In the old news category, the Gophers will wear the Bob McNamara memorial decal on the back of their helmets this season. Bob was a personal friend of mine, and one of the best friends the Gopher football program and athletic dept. will ever have. This decal will be worn season long to honor Bob's memory. We'll miss you #44!
Illinois rolled out a new uniform this Saturday vs. Youngstown St. I didn't know the Illini had a white helmet in the pipeline, but in the day of the alternate helmet, I should have expected it.
Last night the Gophers defeated the Eastern Illinois Panthers wearing their gold jerseys, maroon helmets, and maroon pants (of course black socks and shoes). A nice uni combo for sure. Any guess when the first alternate gold helmet will be worn?
Our site hit 150,000 hits last night! Quite an accomplishment for our nearly four years in existence in our small corner of the interwebs. We are the only Gopher football uniform based website in the nation, and one of the very few college uniform based sites. No banners, nothing for sale, no begging for donations, no BS. If you're new here, or check back occasionally, we hope you keep coming back for more.
We'll, this may be old news for most, but the Gophers are going with a yellow alternate helmet for the 2014 season. The helmet can be seen below next to the standard maroon matte finish helmet that the Gophs will wear for most of the season. They are a bright yellow, vs a matte finish as seen on our current helmet. Here's a link to the Gophers Gridiron site for more pics; I like this helmet quite a bit. We are sticking with the brick M, I love helmet stripes, and the Ski-U-Mah is an interesting touch. Cont. below... Gone are the matte white helmets worn only in the Texas bowl last season, never to be worn again (not that I mind, I didn't like them much). Our team colors are maroon and gold, not white, so my preference is to stick with the team colors. I also couldn't stand the #s on only one side of the helmet. That doesn't make any sense to me at all. Either way, it looks like we are getting into the habit of wearing an alternate helmet at least one game per season. A number of other schools do this, then auction them off after the game or the season, something I'd love to see the Gophers do, like they did with the 60's throwback uniforms worn against NDSU in 2006. Thoughts...
Hello loyal and casual followers. We are finally back in action just in time for the Gopher football season. After a long hiatus due to a crazy busy school year, a marriage, travels abroad, and a major out of state move, we finally have some time to keep up our site. We still have a ton of new items to post that have been picked up over the past 6 months, which we'll do over the next few weeks, but we're glad to be back in action. Some of our new picks, which are below are a 2012 Meineke Car Care Bowl player's ring and watch, a Willie VanDeSteeg Ravens jersey (we've been looking for this one for a while), and a clear shell Maryland Terrapins helmet. Browse our various pages in the our collection tab for more info. Go Gophers!
AuthorMatt, Andy, & Shawn post here regarding Gopher uniform info and random college football uniform thoughts. Categories |