I've gotten to know Jerry and Rebecca over the past 3 1/2 years. My wife and I first met them at the first Date Night with the Kills at TCF Bank Stadium. We immediately took to Jerry like he was an old friend or neighbor. His homespun drawl, honesty, and kindness immediately stood out to us. All the coaches of his staff embraced us that night like family, included Tracy Claeys. I couldn't have walked away from the event more impressed. After attending numerous socials, banquets, practices, and other events, the Kills greet us with hugs, not handshakes. I'll truly miss them both, and I firmly hope Jerry stays at the U in some capacity. I also hope that the influence that he does have, now that he's outside the university holds enough sway to get Coach Claeys the job on a permanent basis.
It's taken a few days for me to digest Jerry Kill stepping down as Head Coach of my beloved Gopher football team. It initially reminded me of a lunchroom experience at St. Louis Park Jr. High School. I was simultaneously punched in the stomach, and kicked in the sack at the same time by the dreaded Vredenburg twins. One doesn't easily forget such pain, anger, and powerlessness, all at the same time. I wasn't quite sure what to do with this dumbfounded feeling after received text from my two collecting cohorts within minutes of each other, while teaching fourth grade. I also felt a sense of loss, and still do. Jerry hasn't gone anywhere that I'm aware of, but knowing he won't be leading our team on the sideline leaves a gaping hole in the team, and our figurehead is now gone.
I've gotten to know Jerry and Rebecca over the past 3 1/2 years. My wife and I first met them at the first Date Night with the Kills at TCF Bank Stadium. We immediately took to Jerry like he was an old friend or neighbor. His homespun drawl, honesty, and kindness immediately stood out to us. All the coaches of his staff embraced us that night like family, included Tracy Claeys. I couldn't have walked away from the event more impressed. After attending numerous socials, banquets, practices, and other events, the Kills greet us with hugs, not handshakes. I'll truly miss them both, and I firmly hope Jerry stays at the U in some capacity. I also hope that the influence that he does have, now that he's outside the university holds enough sway to get Coach Claeys the job on a permanent basis.
While going through my last box of old Gopher jerseys, I found an old #90, slightly tattered. After some quick research, I found out this beauty was worn by my friend and former Gopher DL, Ed Hawthorne. After a bit a messaging and a trip to the post office, Ed was reunited with his freshman away jersey. I was thrilled to give Ed a piece of his maroon and gold heritage. It's always great to reunite a former with some of their game worn gear. It's surprising to hear from so many former players who own either very little, or none of their gear. While we don't make it a practice to part with any of our Gopher swag, for an awesome guy like Ed, we made an exception. Wear it with pride buddy.
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